Vocal Warm Ups And Tips


Regular Hydration

Regular hydration stops the mucus becoming thick. Preferably warm water added with some lemon or honey. Green Tea is also great for hydration Avoid caffeinated drinks. Be wary of over hydration as this can also cause mouth noises.

Physical and Mental Health

Keep yourself fit and active. Yoga or some cardio are great ways to keep your lungs healthy. Reading a page of a book without taking breaths is also a great a alternative way for exercises. Sleep is an important factor to consider, as a well rested body and mind will help you focus better on the read at hand.

Enunciation Excercises

The voice is like the engine. It needs to be warmed up regularly before a read and can make a substantial difference to in weeding out those unwanted noises resonating from your voice. I try to do at least 15 minutes of warmups beforehand.

Comfortable Body Posture

A positive body posture in relation to the mic is tantamount to a great read as the body is a vehicle for your voice. Altering your body can also alter your read. How does clenching your hands make you feel? It is especially important during reads that require you to animate yourself for a character, whether it be an assertive general or a nervous train wreck.